Attendance Presenoldeb

The Local Authority have launched a campaign to improve school attendance and, in partnership with the school , have set the attendance  target for your child as  a minimum of 94%.


We have attached a table and chart which illustrates the relationship between attendance and achievement at school. A copy of which is also on display in school.

The rewards for good attendance are clear. Pupils are more likely to enjoy school, achieve better results and increased life chances.

 Table and chart

Whilst we understand that illness is unavoidable, every effort must be made to bring your child to school.

Staying away from school for a variety of reasons e.g. stomach ache or feeling sick might mean that something is worrying your child. If you are experiencing any particular difficulties regarding your child’s attendance or would like to discuss this matter further please contact the school.


It is also very important that your child arrives at school on time.  Persistent lateness has a detrimental effect on a child’s progression. Not only do they miss a vital part of the day in class but also they must suffer the embarrassment of walking into the classroom late.


All pupils need to be on the yard before 8:30am

We will be updating you about your child’s attendance on a termly basis.